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55 – Strengths Assessment Intro

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Welcome to the strengths assessment intro. So we've completed part 1 of the exercises, which was the assessment of the value now, we're moving into part two, which is strength assessment. What is a strengths assessment? Why are we talking about it? Well, this is very eye-opening. Exercise that you can do to understand what your top five strengths are in life the five top strengths that you who have told you a lot about what your life purpose should be and what you should be doing in your life to make yourself happy and fulfilled all of this is founded on the work of dr. Martin Seligman who's written multiple books. Some of his books are on my top 140 list.

So he's done a lot of research in a university setting. He's a professional researcher academic researcher. So basically his research shows that if you want to be happy and fulfilled then one of the ways you can do that is that you can embody your signature strengths. people who embody their signature strengths tend to have the most fulfilling lives and life is not so much about fixing all the problems that you have and correcting all your weaknesses. It's more about finding those top five things that are your strengths a human being your virtues so to speak and then just going crazy with those making your life about that.

And in a lot of the research that he's done what he's discovered. Is that there are 24. Global virtues And these versions include stuff like the love of learning.

creativity leadership optimism teamwork wisdom just a small list. There are 24 of these and these then constitute your strengths. So out of these 24. You have five that that is your top and out of these five. You've got what he calls signature strengths which are

the strengths that are most essentially yours. It's like you feel like you own them. They just completely click with you and with your purse. personality and these strengths tend to stay fairly constant throughout your life. It'll change much and so what we want you to do here with this exercise. We want you to find out what your top five strengths are I do this exercise with my one-on-one coaching clients, and we get some great insights from this and basically, the reason we're doing this is for helping you identify your life purpose is again, we're going to kind of triangulate your life purpose here with using the top two or three.

signature strengths that you end up having on this list. Those are going to point to what your life purpose ought to be. So see we've got your value use we're going to use your top values now. We're going to get your strengths. We're going to use your signature strengths and all this stuff is going to start to point you. in the authentic direction of your life purpose, right? So it's not like you're just coming out with you're not just coming up with a life purpose out of the blue. That's not what we're having to do here. We're having you find aspects of your personality that are grounded in, you know past experiences. It's grounded in something real and then your life purpose will then be built on top of that sound cool good.

So, I hope that I've convinced you that it's important to take this assessment, and the way that you do that is you go online. There's going to be a URL link that you can click on below click on that and it's going to take you to the assessment the assessment is not mine. I haven't developed it. I don't own it. It's the property of Martin Seligman and his research team and it's available online on their website. It's a university website it takes about 30 minutes.

Complete this survey. They're going to ask you to register for a free account. It's okay to register you can give them your email address or not going to spam you. You're going to get a free account and then there's a lot of different assessments there, but there's going to be one in particular that you need to take which is called the VI a character strengths survey something along the lines of that. Sometimes they change the naming of it. So, you know, I'll have a little description written below the video that will tell you exactly which survey you should take if you're going to go you're going to take that survey or assessment whatever it's called. It's going to have like 200 or more questions in it.

So, it'll take you 30 minutes or so to answer all those questions answer them, honestly. and then they're going to email you the result, or maybe they just show the results. You don't remember exactly how it works, but they're going to give you the result and the result is going to give you your top five strengths and it's going to be a description of every strength. So that's what we want generate that list print it out for yourself save it and then we're going to need that for the next video, which will tell you how to use this to apply to your life purpose.

Strength's Assessment

  • VIA Survey of Character Strengths — This is a university website. Register for a free account and take the VIA Survey of Character Strengths in the Questionnaires tab.


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